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S.No Material Format Cost*
1 Latest Set
DSC-Telugu-Akella Sir (51-Pages)
2 Set-1
DSC-Telugu-Akella Sir (27-Pages)
3 Set-2
DSC-Telugu-Akella Sir (135-Pages)
4 IAS - Telugu - Akella Sir 2nd Paper Material Both Xerox (or) Soft copy 300/-
5 IAS - Telugu - Akurathi Pallavi both Paper 1 & 2 Both Xerox (or) Soft copy 300/-
6 History Mind Maps Hand Written Both Xerox (or) Soft copy 100/-
7 Biology 11th class - NCERT gist 12 Lessons Both Xerox (or) Soft copy 100/-
8 Biology 12th class - NCERT 16 Lessons Both Xerox (or) Soft copy 100/-
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